The Swedish Heart and Lung Association

The Swedish Heart and Lung Association is a non-governmental organisation that unites people with cardiovascular and lung diseases. We are politically and religiously independent and run by volunteers on a national, regional and local level.

We were founded in 1939 and today we have around 35 000 members and 160 organisations nationwide.

Our president is Mr Anders Åkesson.

Our core principle is equality for all, and our vision states that people with cardiovascular and lung disease shall have a good life.

Our most important mission is to improve the living conditions for people with cardiovascular and lung diseases.

We achieve this through information and education, by raising awareness among politicians and leaders in healthcare, collaborating with the healthcare sector, supporting patient-driven research and developing lifestyle-adapted activities for our members.

The heart of our organisation is the communal and social support that our patient-groups offer in their meetings and activities throughout the country.

Thanks to support and gifts, we can continue our work to make everyday life easier after the diagnosis.

Welcome to become a member of the Swedish Heart and Lung Association, or make a donation via Swish 90 101 09 or bankgiro 901-0109.

Contact information

Phone +46 8 55 606 200